String theory, and practice.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Why Obama is right on tax hikes?

Just a little word to tell you why Obama is right when he wants to raise taxes.

This is not -just- a political opinion. Some researchers have actually modeled this very precisely (and even Bill Gates agrees).

In fact, if you don't agree, you probably either:
  1. are victim of a form of cognitive bias regarding national income,
  2. like to waste your money,
  3. live amongst the wealthiest percentile(s).
E. Saez, C. Landais and T. Piketty, have put up a nice online simulator(fr) to show this.
In short, taxing the top 3% revenues as much as we are would bring 230 billion dollars in France, while in the meantime reducing taxes for 97% of the population.

Going further: if we really are going through a major crisis, let's go for a war effort. For instance, applying a temporary wage ceiling at $100,000 a year would bring another 250 billions in France, let alone USA, Germany or UK!

What would a rational mind urged to find resources in this situation?

Attack Iran?
Or... Clamp the fuck!
Otherwise, we'll end-up buying war bonds anyways...

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